Contents: New Moon (Edward)

Author’s Introduction

1. Excuses
2. Frailty……Photos: Carlisle’s Tool Kit (NC-17)
3. Promises
4. Back to School
5. Party
6. Disaster
7. The End
8. Away …...Photos: Masen House,  Museum Exhibit
9. There…….Photo: Edward’s Garrett Room
10. Tracking
11. Shreveport
12. Roots……………….Photo:  Alice’s Childhood Abode
13. Going Public……..Photos: New Orleans Houston
14. Finding Maria…..Photos: San Antonio Rodeo & the Bulls, Colonias
15. Banished………….Photos: Candelaria ChurchStreet Kids
16. Rocinha…………...Photos: RioLadies of Ipanema, Favela da Rocinha
17. News 
18. Dead Man Walking
19. Negotiations
20. Indecision
21. Visions
22. In Harm’s Way
23. Verdict
24. Flight
25. Reunions
26. Conversation
27. Vote
28. Deal
Epilogue: Treaty

The End


For your e-reader, a single file: New Moon (Edward) by PA Lassiter

516 Responses to Contents: New Moon (Edward)

  1. kaitlynn says:

    I just want to say I love your books so much! Like when stephine meyers books midnight sun comes out its going to be disappointing compared to your version! The only thing wrong is they didn’t have cell phones yet when twilight was written! But its still soooo good.


  2. Chris says:

    This is amazing. I love your writing! I just had to tell you that, when I read There, tears literally rolled down my cheeks as Edward stood for four days counting things in the backyard.


  3. Kristin Mason says:

    I love your work! I read it years ago and just found this site again. Thank you for writing and sharing it with the rest of us. You are incredibly talented and the way you write Edward’s thoughts is heartwarming and beautiful.
    Early in this book Edward mentions a biography of Carlisle’s life. Do you have any plans to write it, or something similar?


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Hi Kristin,
      I ended up writing one episode of Carlisle’s history in the Private Diary, but the research was so extensive and the number of hours I put into it indicated what a daunting task it would be to write Carlisle’s full history. Nice idea, though. 🙂 -PAL


  4. Marie says:

    “I said a prayer for my mother and father and hoped that they would not grieve overmuch, but would remember our happy times and how much I loved them. I prayed that Alice and Emmett would never lose their own true loves and suffer this unbearable loss. And I prayed for Rosalie and Jasper, two of the luckiest vampires I knew”

    Perfection. I missing piece.


  5. Brandyjo Newton says:

    Hi! I like all the others am extremely grateful for the amazing writing in these Edward POV’s. I was saddened and disheartened when I found out that Stephenie had no plans to release her version but I still hold out hope that she will in the future. Fingers crossed that maybe she was waiting for the celebration of Edwards 100th birthday next year maybe? Even if she does do her own yours will truly be my favorite. You did such an incredible job that I didnt even think about it being a different author really. I just hope her work can live up to yours. Also, ive noticed your own work and have already added it to my tbr list after I go through and read all the Edward povs again. So thank you again for giving us readers something beautiful to read.


  6. Stephie says:

    I always reread these after rereading twilight (at least once every year lol) and I can’t believe I haven’t asked this yet but in New Moon chapter called tracking Edward mentions a vision of Alices that she’s been trying to hide from him…what is it?? I don’t recall her coming clean later unless I forgot somehow!! Thanks loooooove your stories!


    • PA Lassiter says:

      The hints are there and I believe that this is explained later, either in New Moon or in the Private Diary of EAC, but
      ***spoiler alert***
      she foresees that he will kill himself out of grief. So she sends him on a wild goose chase after Victoria to give him a purpose for existing, even though she foresees that he will not catch her. Alice is trying to prevent Edward from reading her mind on both of those counts. -PAL


  7. Henna Desimont says:

    I LOVE your writing! I felt an emptiness when I couldn’t finish midnight sun. Then stumbled across your writings. I am completely pulled in, starting New Moon in Edward”s eyes niw! Thank you!


  8. Christine says:

    I’ve enjoyed reading your take on the series. Unlike others(versions by other fan authors) I enjoy the fact that you keep close Meyers original and then add your own stuff. I also would like you to know that I enjoyed the other stuff you wrote.. Diary of EAC. And so on. If you’re not bored of the characters add some more chapters or another story! I’ve enjoyed your imagination. Happy new year!


    • PA Lassiter says:

      I’ve never grown bored with the characters, but keeping all the world’s details in mind while trying to write new material is hard and it grows harder with time. The more material you write, the more details you must remember. Once you move onto something else, the only way to get back up to speed is to reread everything the original author has written, followed by everything you yourself have written. That takes a lot of time. It’s an entirely different situation if you’re writing fan fiction that does not try to remain true to the original material.
      Thank you for your comment and Happy New Year to you too!


  9. I absolutely adore your take on Twilight through Edward’s eyes. I was wondering, since there is a new book out, if you were to do a take through Edythe Cullen’s eyes, the gender bent version of Edward Cullen?


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Good question. To be honest, I haven’t read the gender-bending version. I’m so partial to Edward as Edward that I couldn’t imagine enjoying him as a woman. So, it’s unlikely that I’d write an Edythe version, but thanks for asking… -PAL


  10. Ellie says:

    Just wondering, which order should the books of yours be read in. Thanks


  11. k_maladewi says:

    Hi, i enjoy so much reading your story. I just read all the Stephanie’s book last month and become addictive to it. Then I start to read midnight sun and I found your website. Very interesting. My fave one is New moon, really you can catch the pain and the lost that Edward have. But I am curious, there’s a few suprise and twist that I never heard before. You must be read more Stephanie book than I do or they are just you version? Is demitry really gay? And how about the invisible voltury vampire on eclipse? And Edward story in new moon are no where to find. Is he really meet with Maria ? I believe this is your version,but you must be have guideline or something? Don’t get me wrong, I just really love it.


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Hi there!
      I wrote these stories after reading the four Twilight books and the first half of Midnight Sun. As I read, I noticed many areas that were not completely explained and that’s where I put my own interpretation in to fill the gaps of information that Stephenie Meyer left. It was a lot of fun. I did my best to make Edward’s version consistent with Ms. Meyer’s original world, though I made a few mistakes and created some conflicting information.

      Much of the inspiration for the new material came from Meyer’s The Official Illustrated Guide, which was published later. The inspiration for making Demitri gay was actually the actor who played Demetri in the movie, and also I wanted to throw a few fun twists into Edward’s story. And yes, I made up the invisible vampire in Eclipse, just for fun. (The original idea came from Fred in The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.)

      As far as what happened to Edward during New Moon, that is almost entirely made up. I used what clues I could find from Stephenie Meyer’s writings, including the excerpts and additional material to be found on her website and built the story from there. Lots of clues led me to include Maria in the story, but it is almost entirely made up by me. That made New Moon the most difficult book to write. Thanks for your comment! -PAL


  12. Hyacinth Rose says:

    You already know this from my previous comments on the Midnight Sun page but I just wanted to reiterate it here that I’ve enjoyed reading Edward’s story. I did kind of picture him suffering in this way – literally becoming a statue for weeks/months. I love all the twists you’ve included from Victoria’s evasion gift to Maria’s history etc. It made New Moon much more enjoyable for me as I wasn’t much of a Bella/Jacob fan and therefore wished the original book had more Edward in it. 😒 Thank you for filling that void!


    • PA Lassiter says:

      You’re welcome! I was curious, too, what was happening with Edward during that whole book. It was a fun challenge to think through his possible activities. Stephenie Meyer helped out by including a few “outtakes” from both Midnight Sun (here) and New Moon (here and here) on her website. If you haven’t read them, you might enjoy checking them out. xx, PAL


      • Tegan says:

        Hey there I love that you have done Edwards side for new moon and eclipse as stephenie didn’t it’s great to see another person’s point of view on Edwards side especially since Edwards mind is much more complex than bellas is there any chance your doing a breaking dawn ???? Thanks


  13. Jennifer says:

    I have really enjoyed reading all of twilight again through Edwards eyes. You did a wonderful job!!! If you ever decide to continue with twilight you should do new moon and eclipse through Jacobs eyes, people would love it and I am sure u van make it very interesting. Great work either way!!!


  14. Kymberli says:

    I have really appreciated reading through your interpretation of the saga. I happenchanced upon this site and immediately got swept up in the story again – I am surprised to see that I still love the Twilight-verse after closing myself to it for so long (I loath ‘hype’). I read first all of your post-Breaking Dawn content and now have started from the beginning.
    While I was reading through Twilight, and subsequently New Moon, the character that compelled me was Carlisle. Where was this compassionate patriarch’s story? I feel like his is a story that is definitely worth telling, as without him and his conviction there would be no Edward and therefore no Twilight. So I was wondering if you would ever consider taking on that project of recounting, although perhaps not all 350+ years, Carlisle’s intriguing story?


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Hi Kymberli,
      People frequently ask me to write more Twilight fiction and I do agree that Carlisle’s story is very intriguing. My difficulty is that I cannot be paid for any work to which I do not own the copyright. Therefore, I’m devoting most of my time these days to writing original work. -PAL


  15. Holly says:

    Hi PAL! I’m not sure if I already commented on this or not, it’s been quite a while since I’ve read the stories on here. So, just in case I haven’t, I wanted to tell you what I thought about Edward’s version of “New Moon”. First of all, I want to tell you that, like many other Edward fans, New Moon was my least favorite book in the Twilight series (except of course from the part in Italy to the end when the truth comes out, I love that part) :). Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I LOVE the way you have written Edward’s version of New Moon! I could feel the despair and emptiness he felt when I read your writing. I especially remember the part of the story where he is at the new house with his family and he is staring out the window and making an inventory of everything. This is something that could have been incredibility dull to read, but somehow, through your amazing writing and awesome ability to get inside Edward’s head, I could actually feel the monotony of what he was doing. It was like, as I read it, I could feel everything slowing down. It was almost like I was reading in slow motion. It was actually a pretty surreal experiance. I can tell from your writing that you really know and understand your characters well. It is a real treat to read. You have a incredible talent and I feel extremely fortunate to have found your website. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing gift with us. You are awesome!


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Hi Holly!
      Your comment about New Moon is great to read because it was important to me to get across the depth of Edward’s pain. I believe he was in at least as much pain as Bella was during this time, if not more, and I wanted to make the reader actually feel it, if possible. Perhaps I succeeded at getting across the actual experience of depression on some level, which is very gratifying.

      Your comment that I understand my characters has been repeated by quite a few readers of my new novel, The Snake Handler’s Daughter. It’s important to me to try as best I can to look through the eyes of the characters I’m writing about and present the world from their viewpoint rather than my own. Working with Edward for so long helped me improve my ability to do that.
      Thanks so much for coming back to share your thoughts on New Moon. xx, -PAL


  16. Kardelen says:

    That’s my second comment well I decided to read New Moon first. I have read 2 parts so far, I think you did a great job but if you had followed the order of original book completely, it would have been a little bit more real. Still, I’m enjoying to read 🙂


  17. Angela says:

    Great work, but have you ever considered doing a Jacob Black’s perspective for New Moon?


    • PA Lassiter says:

      No…I never have. Jacob’s perspective seems pretty clear, partly because he appears in a whole lot of New Moon, and partly because he’s pretty transparent in his intentions and actions. So I’ll leave that job to someone else. -PAL


  18. read New Moon, it is brilliant, flawless, fits in seamlessly with stephanie’s story, thank you so much! I will definitely read your other works.


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Thanks so much. I’m always super happy when someone enjoys Edward’s New Moon because it’s the loneliest tale of them all (and was the hardest to write). It’s tough to make a story out of a character going off on his own and being depressed. But both Bella’s and Edward’s versions of New Moon make me cry. Each one of the books here is a little different. I hope you enjoy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. -PAL


  19. Evan Searcy says:

    Dear PA Lassiter,
    The experience of reading these books through Edwards eyes have been…thrilling and suspenseful. Devoting every second of night and day to these books was, in the end, beyond saying “Worth it”. The journey was true mesmerizing and breath taking. I had always wondered what Edwrad would think, and how would he react, the explanation for his words, and thoughts. And through these books, my questions have finally been answered.
    This must have taken you a great deal of time to come up with such brilliant ideas. I’m so thankful that you had started writing, in Edwards eyes though. Though Stephanie couldn’t finish “Midnight Sun” I felt more fond of the experience you offered us, and I took it beyond greatfully.
    But, I always wondered, what if Edward had become gay? I mean, no weirdness intended, but what would happen? I had a forever-leaving-scar dream one night that Edward had fallen for Jacob. It was beyond disturbing, and yet Edward and Bella continued to stay together. Bella excepting that he husband fall in love with her daughter…protector? Destined lover? Guardian? (Jacob). It was a beyond disturbing dream. But what are your thoughts on this?
    Oh! And lastly, Meyer has announced the new twilight books coming out, but only gender swapped? Do you thin you’ll write from the other characters perspective, as you did Edward? I hope so, because I am always looking for another adventure your words create.
    Once again, thank you for the experience you have put in our hands, and the time you spent, giving us the opportunity to see the story of Bella and her vampire boyfriend/husband, through Edwards eyes, it was an unforgettable experience.


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Hi Evan,
      I’m thrilled you enjoyed my stories from Edward’s point of view. I had the same questions about him that you had, which is what led me to try finishing Midnight Sun. My version is certainly different from what Stephenie Meyer would have written, but I really needed some closure. 🙂

      As for Edward “turning gay” (or bisexual), I never really felt that in his character. Being “frozen” in time as a youth, he didn’t actually have any sexuality until he met Bella, it seems to me. Once his sexuality emerged, it was focused wholly on her, which is a direct result of the nature of Ms. Meyer’s vampires–they bond fully and permanently to one mate. That said, though, lots of writers have had the inspiration to explore a relationship between Jacob and Edward in fan fiction. You can search for them on if you’re interested. Rewriting stories with gay relationships between the main characters is often called “slash fiction” among fan fiction writers. Best, -PAL


    • PA Lassiter says:

      Oh, to answer your other question…no, I have no plans to write anything related to the gender-swapped version of Twilight. I loved the Edward character as a male, and I don’t have any particular drive to explore him as a female. Ha! However, my new book, The Snake Handler’s Daughter, does explore gay relationships and sexuality in the context of a small-town setting. -PAL


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